Comparazione e diritto positivo. Un dialogo tra saperi giuridici

Comparazione e diritto positivo. Un dialogo tra saperi giuridici
A cura di:  Alessandro Somma, Vincenzo Zeno-Zencovich
Editore: RomaTrE-Press
Data di pubblicazione: maggio 2021
Pagine: 417
ISBN: 979-12-5977-017-2
n° downloads ad oggi: 587


For some time now, comparison is practiced in all positive law fields: it has ceased to be the exclusive occupation of comparative law scholars. The latter have then to concentrate on the foundations of their discipline, reflecting on the objects, purposes and methods of comparative law. However, they must do so in dialogue with positive law scholars, whose research is an unavoidable point of reference for verifying and developing the foundations of the discipline. This book discusses the possibilities and the agenda of such a collaboration, with contributions of distinguished positive law scholars particularly open to the use of comparative law.

Nella stessa collana

Irene Rocchetti, Maria Filomeno
A cura di: Giorgio Giannone Codiglione, Leonardo Pierdominici
Raffaello Lupi
A cura di: Fausto Caggia, Giorgio Resta
A cura di: Andrea Zoppini, Pietro Sirena
A cura di: Chiara Antonia d’Alessandro, Claudia Marchese
A cura di: Chiara Antonia d’Alessandro, Claudia Marchese
A cura di: Francesco Mezzanotte
A cura di: Giacomo Rojas Elgueta, Noah Vardi