Roma Tre Law Review – 02/2021

Editore: RomaTrE-Press
Data di pubblicazione: Marzo 2022
Pagine: 113
ISBN: 2704-9043
n° downloads ad oggi: 387


The Roma Tre Law Review (R3LR) is an open-source peer-reviewed e-journal which aims to offer a digital forum for scholarly debate on issues of comparative law, international law, law and economics, law and society, criminal law, legal history, and teaching methods in law


Algorithms and Big Data Towards a Crime-Preventing Groupware

Angelo Giraldi 

The scientific and technological progress has bumped into Criminal Law in terms of artificial intelligence systems and predictive policing software. The different crime prevention strategies and its innovative methods may struggle with the legal limits set up by the law. This paper aims at analysing the usefulness of artificial intelligence in Criminal Law, with particular regard to the investigations carried out by the authorities, and at urging the legislator to regulate the matter within the living juridical boundaries.

DOI: 10.13134/2704-9043/2-2021/1

Health Crisis, Emergency Legislation and Access to Credit: a Few Observations

Noah Vardi 

Access to credit, with its multiple implications in terms of financial and social inclusion (the latter especially when consumers are involved), has been subject to important interventions at the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The paper examines the impact of these ‘emergency’ measures on the existing framework of private law regulating loans and the opposition of interests which follow from the adoption of these policies. It also evaluates more in general the role of financial institutions as actors, often on behalf of the State, in the governance of emergency situations.

DOI: 10.13134/2704-9043/2-2021/2

Predictive Algorithms and Criminal Justice: a Synthetic Overview From an Italian and European Perspective

Laura Notaro 

The paper seeks to provide a synthetic overview of the current and potential uses of “predictive algorithms” in the context of criminal justice systems, as well as of the critical issues arising from such tools.In the first part (§§ 2-3), the main uses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools within the legal systems which have implemented them will be presented. Then a synthetic framework of the possible fields of application of AI in the context of criminal justice will be provided. In the second part (§§ 4-5), the problems arising from the introduction of algorithmic tools in criminal justice will be analysed, with special attention to the fundamental rights guaranteed at a European level, the general principles of criminal law and procedure and the further juridical limits, provided by supranational and national law. In the conclusions (§ 6), an attempt will be made to define the acceptable scopes of application of algorithmic tools in the criminal justice system and to identify the necessary precautions and conditions for the use of new technologies to be consistent with the national and European legal framework.

DOI: 10.13134/2704-9043/2-2021/3

Postmortem Exercise of Data Protection Rights: the Apple Case

Andrea Vigorito 

The paper aims at developing the debate on digital inheritance by analyzing its first judicial application in Italy. In this decision, the Court applied Article 2-terdecies, d.lgs 196/2003 and took a crucial step with regard to the legal regime of personal data – and, more broadly, of digital resources – after the data subject’s death. The Italian legislation, as this decision shows, seems to have adopted a ‘personalistic model’ through which not only heirs and relatives, but any person showing a legitimate interest could exercise the data subject’s rights on personal data. After a brief introduction of the main themes concerning the postmortal exercise of data (1.), this essay analyzes the reasons behind the judicial decision (2.) and seeks to further explore the dogmatic qualification of the rights on personal data recognized by the legislator with Article 2-terdecies (3.).

DOI: 10.13134/2704-9043/2-2021/4

La posición de los terceros en la ejecución dineraria española e italiana: “primauté ” del acreedor procesal vs par condicio creditorum

Guerino Biasucci 

El objetivo de este artículo es comparar el papel de los terceros en los procedimientos de ejecución italianos y españoles a partir de una breve exposición del tratamiento que recibe esta cuestión en uno y otro ordenamiento. Sin ánimo de efectuar un examen exhaustivo sobre la extensa materia del proceso de ejecución, este trabajo se centra en el aspecto más divergente de ambos sistemas, es decir, la figura del acreedor interviniente. A diferencia del italiano «terzo contrario» o su equivalente español en el “acreedor preferente”, nos referimos al status de otros acreedores como intervinientes en el proceso, cuya falta se evidencia en el proceso de ejecución español. Esta ausencia se explica por los principios ordinarios que inspiran cada uno de estos procesos de ejecución, uno basado en la igualdad de todos los acreedores y, por tanto, en la insolvencia, y otro que tiende a acelerar el procedimiento y a garantizar la rápida satisfacción del acreedor que fue el primero en actuar contra su deudor. Examinaremos esta cuestión por su eventual utilidad para alumbrar un sistema mixto que aúne o combine la estabilidad de las decisiones que caracteriza al sistema italiano y la necesidad, ahora vital, de dar una solución rápida a los problemas crediticios del país, en coherencia con las prioridades de aceleración y simplificación procedimental que marca la unión Europea.

DOI: 10.13134/2704-9043/2-2021/5

Les métamorphoses du travail contraint. Une histoire globale

Benedetta Rinaldi Ferri 

DOI: 10.13134/2704-9043/2-2021/6

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