Teorie e prassi nella formazione degli insegnanti: il Tirocinio del Corso di Laurea di Scienze della Formazione Primaria di Roma Tre. Una proposta comparativa

A cura di:  Ada Manfreda, Amalia Lavinia Rizzo, Francesca Borruso
Editore: RomaTrE-Press
Data di pubblicazione: ottobre 2023
Pagine: 216
ISBN: 979-12-5977-245-9
n° downloads ad oggi: 380


The collected volume outlines both the scientific-epistemological and the organizational dimensions of the internship activities aimed at the initial training of primary school and kindergarten teachers. The activities are referred to the degree course of Scienze della Formazione Primaria at Roma Tre University. In addition, the volume includes a comparative analysis between the Italian reality of Roma Tre and the internship carried out within the same degree course at University of Malaga (Spain). The goal is to reconstruct not only similarities and differences, but also to trigger broader processes of reflection capable of highlighting the most relevant epistemological nodes of the relationship between theory and practice, pedagogical models and educational practices, teacher training paths and the role fulfilled by school in contemporary society.  The volume, thus, intends to pursue both a educational purpose - since it is addressed to degree course students who until now have never been able to dispose of an explanatory guide to internship activities - and a more distinctly scientific-epistemological purpose, seeking to enhance both the most topical themes and the complex dialogue between educational theories and practices. As a mattere of fact, the dialogue deeply innervates reflection about education and occupies a central position in the discourse concerning the configuration of university internship aimed at initial teacher training.

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