Le ragioni di Erasmus, 1

Le ragioni di Erasmus, 1
A cura di:  Marina Geat, Vincenzo A. Piccione
Editore: RomaTrE-Press
Data di pubblicazione: settembre 2017
Pagine: 304
ISBN: 978-88-94885-31-6
n° downloads ad oggi: 6032


Scopo della Collana Le ragioni di Erasmus – Ricerche e intersezioni scientifiche è di contribuire ad intensificare e diffondere le azioni promosse dal Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione nell’ambito dei programmi Erasmus ed Erasmus+. La collana Le Ragioni di Erasmus si propone in particolare:

– di mantenere costante nel tempo e nello spazio la rete dei rapporti internazionali multi-, inter-, trans-disciplinari di cui l’Ufficio Erasmus ha rappresentato negli anni uno dei nodi di sviluppo;

– di fornire a docenti, ricercatori, studenti del Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione, spunti e contatti per allargare i propri ambiti di studio e di ricerca;

– di offrire agli studenti intenzionati a partire per un’esperienza di studio/tirocinio/ricerca in un altro Paese ­informazioni utili per acquisire maggiore consapevolezza di luoghi, contatti, ambiti internazionali che concernono i loro interessi formativi;

– di costruire un prezioso laboratorio di scambio, interazione, riflessione, esplorazione, ascolto di voci multi-, inter-, trans-disciplinari.



Marina Geat

DOI: 10.13134/978-88-94885-31-6/1

Academic teaching, internationalisation, innovation

Vincenzo A. Piccione

The project of the new series Le ragioni di Erasmus took up a challenge. In its subtitle, Supporting education in present times: human sciences, internationalisation, networks, innovation, are the crucial issues of that challenge: on one side, thematic networks and suggestions, thematic interconnections and networks of meanings; on the other side, pedagogical, educational, didactical choices, the idea of metaphorical and actual networks, the idea of living, within universities, a crucial historical moment: the moment of modifying strategies, methodologies, technics, tools of academic teaching, the moment of supporting new research models.

DOI: 10.13134/978-88-94885-31-6/2

Bridging the distance and discovering the value of education in European common heritage

Maria Helena G. Pratas  Sandra Chistolini 

The Erasmus mobility of teachers between Portugal and Italy was a relevant opportunity to innovate our higher systems of education according to the European recommendations. We had the real experience of learning how to develop new streams in our demand and offer of education taking into consideration the cultural heritage in which Pedagogy and Didactics are rooted. Both countries convey ideas of renovation in terms of contents, strategies, methods. We learned politics in school and society about problems of migration and refugees, distress of families and children bringing enormous hopes for the future. From consolidated pedagogical theories and experimented workshops we shared knowledge helpful to prepare our students to be self-confident for a very high level of teaching performance and social participation. The purpose of this contribution is to discuss our mutual academic results achieved.

DOI: 10.13134/978-88-94885-31-6/3

The internalization of universities and the English language

María Ángeles Martín 

The teaching of non linguistic disciplines in English is a growing practice in European universities. This is popularly known as ‘bilingual degrees’ but English Medium Instruction (EMI) is the most suitable and precise denomination. The connection between EMI and the internationalization of universities is evident since English is now the Lingua Franca for academic communication. This chapter reflects on the role of English in the internationalization of universities from these two phenomena: EMI and ELF. Conceptual overviews of EMI and ELF in European academic contexts are presented. Secondly, the reasons and forces behind EMI and ELF are discussed. Some of the main challenges and achievements to date are summarized, with special reference to the Spanish context. 

DOI: 10.13134/978-88-94885-31-6/4

Innovation management: twenty-three years of higher education in a French engineering school

Vincent Boly
Laure Morel
Mauricio Camargo

Innovation management is a major educational concern within business schools as well as in engineering schools. Besides technical, economical or marketing skills, new abilities are required in companies for people in charge of R&D-I services, the elaboration of the technological strategy or the piloting of innovative projects. As a consequence, new courses are continuously being developed to prepare future top managers to assume innovation responsibilities. The École Nationale Supérieure of Génie des Systèmes et de l’Innovation (ENSGSI) has twenty-three years of experience teaching innovation to engineering students. The objective of this paper consists in going into deeper detail about the process of elaboration of the educational program and in exposing the main characteristics of its pedagogy. The ENSGSI program has been elaborated using two main conceptual foundations. The first one is the modeling of the processes to be managed within innovative companies. This model integrates: the main innovation management practices in the form of operational levels that decision-makers focus on and the corresponding methodologies (Boly, 2009). The second foundation is an Employment Competencies Referential. It consists of a list of skills and attitudes established in collaboration with human resource managers of international companies and French SMEs. As a result, attention is directed toward these two paramount foundations when establishing and renewing: the nature of the courses, the pedagogical objectives and the evaluation approach of each module, and the links between the different modules.

DOI: 10.13134/978-88-94885-31-6/5

La biografía de ciudades como instrumento pedagógico y didáctico para la mediación e integración social y lingüística

María-Teresa del-Olmo-Ibáñez 

Existe un subgénero biográfico cuyo rasgo definitorio, además de los componentes de su categoría general, consiste en que el sujeto sobre el que se construye la historia de vida es una ciudad. Los elementos que dotan de identidad a la Biografía hacen de ella un género idóneo para la mediación y la integración cultural, social y lingüística. Partiendo de un concepto general de ‘mediación’ y, específicamente, del de ‘mediación lingüística’ tal y como queda establecido en el Marco Europeo de Referencia, se pretende describir aquí las posibilidades concretas de rentabilización de la Biografía de ciudades como instrumento didáctico con una intención finalista de integración social.

DOI: 10.13134/978-88-94885-31-6/6

Tecnologia critica e didattica museale. Il progetto Erasmus+ DICHE

Antonella Poce
Maria Rosaria Re

Nel seguente contributo sono presentate le attività condotte dal gruppo di ricerca LPS (Laboratorio di Pedagogia Sperimentale) e CDM (Centro di Didattica Museale) dell’Università Roma Tre nell’ambito del progetto Erasmus+ KA2 DICHE (Digital innovation in cultural and heritage education in the light of 21st century learning). Destinatari privilegiati sono gli alunni di Scuola Primaria, che, grazie all’innovazione digitale in ambito museale, hanno la possibilità di sviluppare competenze trasversali quali la creatività, la comunicazione, la collaborazione e il pensiero critico. La formazione dei docenti in servizio e in formazione nonché degli operatori museali circa le nuove metodologie didattiche risulta fondamentale per assicurare la progettazione di percorsi educativi innovativi e inclusivi.

DOI: 10.13134/978-88-94885-31-6/7

The model of instructing students of pedagogy in the field of education through art

Kinga Łapot-Dzierwa  Robert Małoszowski 

This article presents an original concept of pedagogy students’ education in the field of education by art. It shows the meritocratic competence and practical training of the future kindergarten and elementary school teachers. The program was prepared by a team of researchers of the Institute of Preschool and School Pedagogy (Department of Artistic Education). The basic question is: who can be entrusted with the conduction of art classes in early childhood education? This is a very current topic, inspiring a lot of emotion, especially among teachers, always recurring during the important changes taking place in the Polish education system.

DOI: 10.13134/978-88-94885-31-6/8

Pour une didactique de la création artistique: Axes, projets, bilan (2014-2016)

Grazia Giacco
Sonia Lorant

La «Didactique de la création artistique» représente un champ et un questionnement complexes, impliquant diverses problématiques et approches inépuisables. Le projet DiCrA (Didactique de la création artistique), a été lancé en 2014 par Grazia Giacco, lauréate de l’appel à projets IdEx «Attractivité» de l’Université de Strasbourg. Ce projet était né dans le but de concevoir une transposition innovante des axes méthodologiques de la recherche en art au domaine de la didactique des arts. Plusieurs axes sont développés: l’épistémologie de chaque discipline amenée à être objet de création, l’étude des champs didactiques et l’étude des relations entre création artistique et aspects cognitif, émotionnel et conatif chez l’enfant. Nous souhaitons présenter les grandes lignes du projet et offrir aux lecteurs un premier bilan de nos deux années de recherches, menées en équipe avec d’autres enseignants, enseignants-chercheurs et artistes.

DOI: 10.13134/978-88-94885-31-6/9

Craft and Technology Education Curriculums and Students’ Attitudes towards Craft and Technology in Finland, Slovenia, Estonia and Iceland

Ossi Autio
Janez Jamsek
Mart Soobik
Gisli Thorsteinsson
Brynjar Olafsson

The research is based on a comparative study of craft and technology education curriculums and students’ attitudes towards craft and technology in Finland, Slovenia, Estonia and Iceland. The study was undertaken by the Helsinki University, University of Ljubljana, University of Tallinn and University of Iceland during years 2012-2015. A literature review was completed, in order to examine and compare the curriculums of craft and technology education in Finland, Estonia and Iceland. In addition, a quantitative survey was subsequently distributed to 864 school students in Finland, Slovenia, Estonia and Iceland. It consisted of 14 questions, which aimed to ascertain students’ attitudes towards craft and technology. The survey showed substantial differences in students’ attitudes towards craft and technology education in the three countries: these differences may be explained by differences in the national curriculums, the different pedagogical traditions and cultural differences in the field of technology. However, for deeper understanding, the quantitative findings need to be examined further with different research methods.

DOI: 10.13134/978-88-94885-31-6/10

Le idee di Erasmo da Rotterdam, il maturazionismo lineare e ciclico, un riscontro sociologico contemporaneo

Paweł Prüfer 

I cambiamenti nel mondo sociale sono nuove sfide per gli studiosi. La lettura e l’interpretazione delle vie dello sviluppo umano e sociale diventano una ‘provocazione’ per promuovere il progresso scientifico. Lo sviluppo è possibile attraverso uno sguardo al futuro, l’impegno verso il presente e la lettura del passato. Il pensiero di Erasmo da Rotterdam può esserne un esempio. Il suo contributo, letto con un punto di vista sociologico e considerato facendo specifico riferimento alla sua teoria del maturazionismo lineare e ciclico, potrebbe diventare l’ispirazione e la chiave interpretativa dell’attuale realtà sociale, culturale e educativa. Potrebbe diventare anche un impulso per sostenere i processi dello sviluppo integrale ed umano degli individui e della società.

DOI: 10.13134/978-88-94885-31-6/11

Exotisme et stéréotypes dans l’album Maman-Dlo d’Alex Godard

Viviane Devriésère 

Les œuvres présentant les peuples exotiques mettent l’accent sur certains traits récurrents: la différence, l’étrangeté, des stéréotypes aisément repérables et livrant une vision positive du peuple observé. Mais souvent, il s’agit moins dans ces œuvres de valoriser ce dernier que de critiquer sa propre société. Le pays de l’Autre peut ainsi devenir le symétrique inversé de celui de l’auteur. L’exotisme réside avant tout dans un point de vue, qui est celui de l’Occident. Ce regard se pose, curieux, sur les autres civilisations et conserve en cela une trace du colonialisme et de la supériorité qui le caractérisait. En opposition à cela, l’auto-exotisation permet à un peuple de décider lui-même de l’image qu’il veut donner aux autres, et l’exotisme inversé de porter à son tour sur l’Occident un regard étonné. L’article étudiera le traitement de l’exotisme dans l’album Maman-Dlo d’Alex Godard.

DOI: 10.13134/978-88-94885-31-6/12

Nuestros retratos: el género del retrato en la última década del siglo XX en la colección de arte de la Región de Murcia

Juan Ramón Moreno Vera 

El género del retrato es uno de los más antiguos dentro del ámbito de la pintura; sin embargo el gran triunfo de este género se produjo durante el siglo XIX, cuando la sociedad civil comenzó a demandar un género hasta entonces reservado a las clases más altas. Durante el siglo XX el retrato fue buscando protagonistas entre aquellas personas que destacaban en la sociedad gracias a su genialidad artística o intelectual. Así, encontramos en la colección de arte de la Región de Murcia una interesante iconoteca realizada en 1998 donde se representan algunos de los personajes más relevantes de la sociedad.

DOI: 10.13134/978-88-94885-31-6/13

Is the State a Good Parent? – Challenges of education and care in the Hungarian child protection system

Andrea Rácz 

The research is called Is the State a Good Parent? since it studies the principles and professional conceptions determining practical work in the field of corporate parenting. The state can be a good parent if it is able to assume responsibility for the children in care, to satisfy their individual needs, and to make every effort so that they have good results in school and in other fields of life, as any responsible parents would wish for their own children. Successful school graduation is needed to promote children’s social inclusion and to improve their position in the labour-market, which cannot be achieved without support. Based on the results of the qualitative elements of my research, I will reflect on issues that point to necessary changes within the child protection system to ensure professionalism in the long term.

DOI: 10.13134/978-88-94885-31-6/14

Binational marriages in Europe

Ewa Sowa-Behtane

Today, in the era of post-modernity, the ethnically, racially, religiously, culturally or nationally mixed marriages are more and more frequent phenomenon, contributing to the emergence of new types of cultural identity. Nationally mixed marriages (binational) define a new cultural quality when they do not concern only individuals, but when they become a phenomenon which is statistically frequent, and even dominant in a broader social context. Statistics of the German federal office showed that every ninth marriage in 2014 was binational with an upward trend. Half of all marriages celebrated in Switzerland are binational. In 2005, 43,266 French-foreign marriages were concluded. The number of marriage migrants in Sweden increased substantially in the period 1990 - 2004, and the spatial pattern of the origins of marriage migrants is highly gendered. Mixed marriages represented 1.78% (3,367) of the total number of marriages contracted in Poland. This statistic shows that binational marriages in today’s Europe have a tendency to increase.

DOI: 10.13134/978-88-94885-31-6/15

Le famiglie miste italiano-polacche

Aneta Wojnarowska

Le famiglie miste costituiscono uno dei tanti simboli dei cambiamenti dinamici del mondo contemporaneo e dei processi di globalizzazione. Le ricerche polacche relative alla problematica delle coppie e delle famiglie miste polacche formate attualmente costituiscono un campo ancora poco esplorato nell’ambito delle scienze sociali. La famiglia mista italiano-polacca dal punto di vista culturale e i figli cresciuti in essa rientra nell’ambito dei miei interessi di ricerca. L’obiettivo del presente articolo è di richiamare l’attenzione sulla necessità di attuare degli studi/ricerche che permettano di arricchire la teoria e la prassi pedagogica con la descrizione della quotidianità delle famiglie italo-polacche che abitano in Polonia (a Cracovia) e dei figli cresciuti in queste famiglie nel contesto del processi di socializzazione e acculturazione familiare, nonché della strategia di costruzione dell’identità culturale dei singoli membri della famiglia. Ritengo sia necessario che non soltanto le persone impegnate professionalmente nell’istruzione e nella formazione siano rese consapevoli e al contempo sensibili al fenomeno della presenza dei bambini provenienti dalle coppie miste, che costituiscono un gruppo particolare dei cittadini polacchi.

DOI: 10.13134/978-88-94885-31-6/16

Nella stessa collana