Democrazia e Sicurezza – 2015, n. 2

Democrazia e Sicurezza – 2015, n. 2
Editore: RomaTrE-Press
Data di pubblicazione: luglio 2015
Pagine: 231
ISBN: ISSN2239‐804X
n° downloads ad oggi: 38


«Democrazia e Sicurezza – Democracy and Security Review», ideata dal prof. Salvatore Bonfiglio, è nata come periodico scientifico dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre all’interno del PRIN 2008 «Costituzioni e Sicurezza dello Stato: scenari attuali e linee di tendenza» e proseguito con il PRIN 2010-2011 «Istituzioni democratiche e amministrazioni d’Europa: coesione e innovazione al tempo della crisi economica». La rivista intende approfondire il rapporto tra democrazia e sicurezza: esso, se pur a volte conflittuale, non deve mai negare, a maggior ragione in un ordinamento democratico, i diritti fondamentali della persona.


Inmigración y derechos humanos

Luis López Guerra 

DOI: 10.13134/2239-804X/2-2015/1

The Impact of Counter-Terrorism Security Measures on Fundamental Rights

Rosario Serra-Cristóbal 

Global risks have prompted many States to implement policies aimed at preserving national security, in particular to combat terrorism. However, these measures have systematically violated fundamental rights. The central theme of this essay is to highlight the need to establish supranational standards of human rights protection in order to limit preventive national security policies that would otherwise infringe such rights. In order to achieve this, international courts or human rights monitoring bodies would play a key role, and the core lessons drawn from constitutionalism would help shape the response to such risks, particularly when it comes to finding the right balance between rights and security.

DOI: 10.13134/2239-804X/2-2015/2

Le misure di contrasto al terrorismo internazionale: contenuti e novità

Luca Di Majo 

Il 15 aprile 2105 è stato convertito nella l. n. 43/2105, con voto di fiducia al Senato, il d.l. n. 7/2015 del 18 febbraio recante «Misure urgenti per il contrasto del terrorismo, anche di matrice internazionale[…]».

DOI: 10.13134/2239-804X/2-2015/3

Politiche migratorie e UE: le risoluzioni del Parlamento e l’Agenda europea

Gabriele Maestri 

Thick migration flows have reached Europe for these last decades, so the EU and its Member States (especially the ones that are “the European External Border”, like Italy or Greece) have to face the problems connected to this phenomenon. This contribution analyses the Resolutions voted by the European Parliament about refugees and migration and considers the European Agenda on Migration, communicated on 13th May: these documents try to carry out the principles of solidarity and shared responsibility (contained in the Article 80 of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union), even if some Member States show to be uncertain about these fundamental ideals (at the bases of the first project of United Europe).

DOI: 10.13134/2239-804X/2-2015/4

La famiglia nella prospettiva sociologica tra nuovi modelli, minacce e sfide

Michela Luzi 

The family is the basic institution of society, which man has created through its history. Families inevitably reflect the society within which they live and are interpreters of cultural and social patterns that develop and acquire importance diachronically. Dealing with the analysis of the different types of families are still evident cases of violence on women and children. Nevertheless would be very important to safeguard and enhance the traditional function of the family, in its capacity of society’s cornerstone and as such irreplaceable and unique regulatory institution in social relationships.

DOI: 10.13134/2239-804X/2-2015/5

L’Europa dopo gli attentati di Parigi: intervista a Farhad Khosrokhavar

Francesco Antonelli 

During his 1993 “Reith Lectures”, published in Representa-tions of Intellectual (1993), the very famous Palestinian scholar Edward Said highlighted to take position against ideological trivialize of events and social phenomena – in particular that by mass media – is the main mission of contemporary social critique. On the contrary, social critique should point out complexity and ambivalence of the social reality.
In this way, deep intellectual work by Farhad Khosrokhavar – student of Alain Touraine, Directeur d'études at “Centre d’analyse et d’intervention sociologiques” in Paris (CADIS, “École des hautes études en sciences sociales”) – has been moved. He is author a lot of influential books about the relationship between religions, politics and society, as Inside Jihadism, Understanding Jihadi Movements Worldwide (Yale Cultural Sociology Series 2008), The New Arab Revolutions that Shook the World, (Paradigm Publishers, Boulder and London 2012). In Italian language they also translated: I nuovi martiri di Allah (Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2003), La ricerca di Sé. Dialogo sul soggetto (co-author Alain Touraine, Il Saggiatore, Milano 2003).
We got through to Professor Khosrokhavar in his Parisian office, in order to ask him some questions about what is happening in European societies afterwards the terrorist attacks in Paris in 7th January 2015.

DOI: 10.13134/2239-804X/2-2015/6

Towards a «Just and Comprehensive Peace in Palestine»: Interviewing Omar Barghouti

Pina Sodano 

Omar Barghouti is an independent Palestinian researcher and human rights activist. He is a co-founder of the Palestinian civil society-led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian rights. Currently, Barghouti is a research fellow at the International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague. He holds a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in electrical engineering from Columbia University in New York and a master's degree in philosophy (ethics) from Tel Aviv University. He is the author of the book: Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights (Haymarket Books, 2011). His opinions have appeared in the New York Times, the Guardian and on BBC, CNN, Bloomberg, among many others.

DOI: 10.13134/2239-804X/2-2015/7

M. Omizzolo, P. Sodano (cur.), Migranti e territori Lavoro diritti accoglienza, Ediesse, Roma, 2015, pp. 472

Roberta Sorrentino 

Il volume Migranti e territori. Lavoro diritti accoglienza, curato da Marco Omizzolo e Pina Sodano, offre un’interessante panoramica su diversi aspetti del fenomeno migratorio che in Italia rappresenta una realtà complessa e dinamica. Questi concittadini sostanziali, spesso privi della cittadinanza, vivono e lavorano in tutte le aree del paese dando il loro contributo alla costruzione di una nuova società.

DOI: 10.13134/2239-804X/2-2015/8

F. Antonelli, E. Rossi (cur.), Homo dignus. Cittadinanza, democraziae diritti in un mondo in trasformazione, Wolters Kluver Italia – Cedam, Roma – Padova, 2014, pp. XIII-146

Santina Musolino 

Homo Dignus. Cittadinanza, democrazia e diritti in un mondo in trasformazione, è il risultato di un ciclo di seminari sulla Dignità e sulla Cittadinanza organizzato da Francesco Antonelli, Emanuele Rossi e Robert Castrucci nel corso dell’Anno Accademico 2012/2013, presso il Laboratorio di Innovazione Didattica, Comunicazione e Ricerca Sociale del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Università “Roma Tre”.

DOI: 10.13134/2239-804X/2-2015/9

Il fenomeno migratorio: esercizi di definizione della grammatica giuridica internazionale

Cristiana Carletti 

The international legal framework aimed at comprehensively regulating migration is based both on domestic and international human rights law principles and standards (international migration law), the so called new international grammar on migration. At the same time the institutional national dimension has been promoted to manage at the best ordinary and emergency migratory flows and to protect migrants asking for protection and assistance (migration management). Further commitment must be guaranteed at the governmental level to set down national strategies, policies and programmes on migration according to a multidimensional and multi-sectoral approach (migration governance), also involving migrants both individually and collectively to facilitate their economic, social, political and cultural inclusion as well as their access to basic services and work opportunities and the full respect of their rights and duties.

DOI: 10.13134/2239-804X/2-2015/10

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