Democrazia e Sicurezza – 2017, n. 3

Democrazia e Sicurezza - 2017, n. 3
Editore: RomaTrE-Press
Data di pubblicazione: gennaio 2018
Pagine: 127
ISBN: 2239-804X
n° downloads ad oggi: 38


«Democrazia e Sicurezza – Democracy and Security Review», ideata dal prof. Salvatore Bonfiglio, è nata come periodico scientifico dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre all’interno del PRIN 2008 «Costituzioni e Sicurezza dello Stato: scenari attuali e linee di tendenza» e proseguito con il PRIN 2010-2011 «Istituzioni democratiche e amministrazioni d’Europa: coesione e innovazione al tempo della crisi economica». La rivista intende approfondire il rapporto tra democrazia e sicurezza: esso, se pur a volte conflittuale, non deve mai negare, a maggior ragione in un ordinamento democratico, i diritti fondamentali della persona.


El nacionalismo es la guerra. Una explicación contextual de la situación en Cataluña

Nuria Magaldi

DOI: 2239-804X/3-2017/1

La sicurezza urbana nel c.d. “decreto Minniti”

Francesco Morganti

The present paper focuses on the content of the decree law 14/17 (so-called
Minniti Decree) on urban security, as converted into law 48/17 and to provide a complete picture of the changes also occurred through the comparison with the previous discipline and to address the problematic issues of the regulatory choices made. The article analyses some contents of the decree which appear controversial with regards to the protection of the fundamental human rights.

DOI: 2239-804X/3-2017/2

L’Eastern Partnership Panel on Migration and Asylum: recenti sviluppi

Mario Carta

The article explores the new initiatives that the European Union and the six countries of the Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine) have undertaken in the field of migration and asylum. In particular the analysis carried out in the essay concerns the activities of the Panel on Migration and Asylum, launched at the Prague Summit on 2011, as the most significant tool created to facilitate, inter alia, the strengthening of the immigration and asylum system of the partnership countries; the progress of the dialogue on the issues of immigration and asylum between the partnership countries and the European Union and, finally, the facilitation of the exchange of best practices to comply with international standards. The research highlights the differences between national regimes and the law of the European Union with regard to irregular immigration, particularly as  regard smuggling, and the reasons behind this fragmentation.

DOI: 2239-804X/3-2017/3

Il fenomeno dell’outsourcing militare nell’esperienza statunitense

Alessandro Gorini

On September 20th, 2001, US President George W. Bush declared “war on terror”. Assuming the role of defenders of freedom, the United States undertook a series of military actions against those who were deemed to be part of the new “axis of evil”. The aim of the new US crusade was to eliminate all possible threats to the international security. This mission involved both state and non‐state actors. Indeed, during the military operations launched in the Middle East, the United States could count on Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) support. Coming onstage at the end the of Cold War, and confirming their role in international arena over the next few decades, these Companies have increasingly become an alternative to the traditional State’s monopoly on violence. This paper provides a brief introduction on the key factors behind the PMSCs escalation in the US military policy and gives an in‐depth analysis of the role that PMSCs played during the
Iraqi occupation.

DOI: 2239-804X/3-2017/4

Fuggire da sé: David Le Breton e la crisi del legame sociale nella società contemporanea

Emanuele Rossi

Faced with an ever‐changing context and an ever‐lacking sense and meaning, the contemporary individual experiences various forms of escape from himself and from others that David Le Breton, through careful social‐anthropological analysis, investigates in depth, giving us a complex and useful scenario for understanding the deepest sense of some “conducts” of life, especially those concerning the new generations.

DOI: 2239-804X/3-2017/5

Luis Jimena Quesada, Devaluación y blindaje del Estado social y democrático de Derecho, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2017, pp. 190

Pablo Meix Cereceda

DOI: 2239-804X/3-2017/6

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