Democrazia e Sicurezza – 2017, n. 4

Democrazia e Sicurezza - 2017, n. 4
Editore: RomaTrE-Press
Data di pubblicazione: Marzo 2018
Pagine: 208
ISBN: 2239-804X
n° downloads ad oggi: 40


«Democrazia e Sicurezza – Democracy and Security Review», ideata dal prof. Salvatore Bonfiglio, è nata come periodico scientifico dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre all’interno del PRIN 2008 «Costituzioni e Sicurezza dello Stato: scenari attuali e linee di tendenza» e proseguito con il PRIN 2010-2011 «Istituzioni democratiche e amministrazioni d’Europa: coesione e innovazione al tempo della crisi economica». La rivista intende approfondire il rapporto tra democrazia e sicurezza: esso, se pur a volte conflittuale, non deve mai negare, a maggior ragione in un ordinamento democratico, i diritti fondamentali della persona.


Lo ius soli: la vera incompiuta della XVII legislatura

Salvatore Bonfiglio


Cittadinanza, diritto internazionale e sintonizzazione empatica nel «mondo uno»

Carlo Focarelli

Professore ordinario di Diritto internazionale presso l’Università degli Studi RomaTre – Dipartimento di Scienze politiche


La adquisición de la nacionalidad en España

Pablo Meix Cereceda

This paper discusses the modes of acquisition of nationality under Spanish law with the primary aim of enriching the discussion on the Italian bill proposal. Before examining the legal rules in the Spanish Código Civil, the text seeks to clarify the constitutional meaning of the terms nacionalidad and ciudadanía in the Spanish Constitution of 1978. The six modes of acquisition are subsequently discussed: ius sanguinis; qualified ius soli; option; putative possession; residence; and lastly, naturalization (the 2015 bill for the Sephardim deserves specific consideration here).


L’evoluzione della legge sulla cittadinanza a Malta e Cipro: profili storico-giuridici e sviluppi recenti

Claudio Di Maio

After the 2004 enlargement, Cyprus and Malta have become EU members. Despite the same geography and British colonial past, the development of citizenship in these countries was unique and distinct, even for the different roads that led to independence. This article discusses the evolution of citizenship laws of these legal orders, highlighting the main features and the latest developments.


La disciplina della cittadinanza in Grecia. Il percorso accidentato dello ius soli temperato e il tardivo abbandono di antichi feticci

Giulia Aravantinou Leonidi

This research addresses the delicate issue of the right to citizenship in Greece, mainly drawing on a comparative approach to the legal framework set in this country within the broader European context.


L’educazione finanziaria ai tempi del bail in

Paolo Rossi

The recent global financial crisis, which has pervasively affected the entire world economy, has brought general attention to the question not only of strengthening the regulatory system of protection of the consumer‐saver, but also of fostering greater awareness of information and knowledge of the financial market, in which the small investor is, too often, an unaware victim. In this sense, the Author, moving from financial literacy as a means of protection and financial inclusion, focuses on the community measures dedicated to financial education, highlighting its persistent inadequacy; to then focus on Italy, where, after the traumatic advent of the bail in and the new community measures after the financial crisis and the intensification of the crises of the domestic banks, the legislator, with the law n. 15/2017, intervened on the subject: a first, though timid, step towards a concrete strategy of financial education, never so necessary, to protect the ʺsaverʺ from the moral hazard of the market, making it, in this way, less insecure in the investment of own savings.


La rotta del Mediterraneo Centrale: le spinte migratorie, i percorsi tracciati e il profilo socioeconomico dei migranti sbarcati in Italia

Giacomo Terenzi

The vast majority of migrants arrived in Europe during the last years, crossed the Mediterranean Sea after an irregular and extremely dangerous journey along the African desert. Migrants on the move are in many cases victims of trafficking, human rights abuses and violence. Their migration projects are often planned by transnational criminal networks that are increasing the States’ national security concerns. Through the description of the African contemporary migration routes towards Europe, the major difficulties encountered by migrants during the journey, as well as of their socioeconomic profile and future expectations upon arrival in Italy, the article highlights the need for more and better information, at the same time in the countries of origin, transit and destination. The analysis of the migrants’ flows aims at contributing to a more evidence‐based discussion on migration, facilitating policy‐makers in the reformulation of an efficient and long‐lasting migration strategy.


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